Wednesday, May 12, 2010

DAY 1 by Jeff Callaway


from day one

it's you

against The Man

all with a grain of salt

and peanuts in your hands

and your courage

and your convictions

and all your fool's mistakes

it seems like you were destined

to fail

ever since you were

a babe

but babe cease not

and forever not

now be

the kind of man

who turns pillars to salt

and parts the wildest seas

but cease not

now be

of the blood of life

live now

to drink

drink deep

but drink bold

and to your own

strong soul be true

bend not

at these futile words

that so forever fold

and bold blow

and sing your own tune

and go here

and go there

go your own way

you have the right

to choose

just don't be painted blue

paint yourself

every color that is you

be undaunted

to your ownself

be true

be cool

be you

just like I do

copyright jeff callaway 1998

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