Thursday, May 6, 2010

PITT GRILL by Jeff Callaway

PITT GRILL by Jeff Callaway

so after
a hot night of drinking
cold cold brews
and Texas two-steppin’
with the Henderson County who’s who
the redneck reunion
of the Coal Miners crew
in the mom-and-pop
of an old greasy spoon
deep in the heart of Athens, Texas
for some southern fried soul food
and the psychobilly grooves
that the jukebox exudes
the tunes bloom
in special orange blossoms of
sound that you can feel
when you’re drunk at 4AM
having coffee
at the Pitt Grill

pots of java
you can drink until
you get your fill
to help you sober up
so you can drive home
without getting killed
and when all the bars are closed
Pitt Grill is completely filled
with conversation between close friends
they really can be such a thrill
when one wiseman once said to me
sometimes "conversations kill”
but chicken friend steak, country gravy
and 3 eggs now that’s a good meal
and when its all for just $3.99
now isn’t that a deal
for real
the grease must be
when we’re dining
under the fluorescent lighting
formica tabletops and saltshakers
seem so inviting
plus after you clean your plate
you can smoke cigarettes
inside and
that’s surprising
like back in the good old days
now isn’t this exciting
and that reminds me
of America
the home of the free
the toothless waitress on speed
ask me if i’d like more sugar or more cream
and i tell them
and can i also get another
order of the hash browns
and covered

© Jeff Callaway

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