Thursday, May 6, 2010

EX-GIRLFRIEND by Jeff Callaway


she loved
like a luscious
love seat lobotomy
she had labaratory lithium
and i was the Benzedrine boy
she liked to bite
she told ghost stories to the ouija board
and masturbated in the dark with microphones
or over my trac-phone
or in the backseat of my Chevy alone
whispering dirty words to me at home
on burgundy wine
with little white lines
her little white lies on a cell phone
her cellular nightmares in monotone
chill me to the bone
to this day
a twilight zone where she could play
jokes on me she kept at bay
but she liked to have a good time
if i would pay
and i can still hear her howling hex hooray
her cat like whispers and sweet nothings to say
and when she came she screamed "James"
but that's not my name
she spread her legs in great display
she rocked me like a video game
she was hot like a cake just baked
when she read me poetry
and spoke of death
windy as a

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